
fullscreen on one monitor?

Started by September 28, 2003 02:37 PM
2 comments, last by Ishan 20 years, 11 months ago
I''m using xinerama and the nvidia drivers to run a dual-head setup. However, whenever an application tries to go to fullscreen mode it goes over BOTH monitors. Additionally, it doesn''t change the resolution, but runs in a little box smack in the middle, turning the rest of the screen black. Is there a way to have it work on only one monitor?
If you are using SDL and try to change the resolution may the result be a little box in the middle and the rest black. The problem is if the requsted resolution s not present in the XF86Config file.

I dont have any experience with xinerama but you should only have to create a window without decorations covering one monitor. I suppose that means a window with half the actual screen resolution.
The black edge stuff happens when the resolutions supported and requested don''t match up.

SDL lets you enumerate resolutions supported.

Check to see if they are in a 4:3 ratio. If not, its a dual-head or more system, adjust appropriately. Otherwise, choose the best resolution.

Or, you could avoid annoying people lots, and just spawn your game in windowed mode. I don''t like programs that insist on fullscreen.
what window manager are you using? some window managers don''t have support for xinerama (ie. blackbox) in which case you will have to start using one that does ie. gnome.

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