

Started by September 28, 2003 01:14 AM
2 comments, last by EvilShadow 21 years, 5 months ago
Lets see, two months ago, i got a job, girlfriend and school started ... all on the same day, so, i havn''t been on the net since then. And tonight, I decide to get on and try to get some good ole coding done. Come to my fav site: the contest is over (great entries), we have a cam class tut !!, whole bunch of cool new tuts, ... just amazes me at what has happened the past couple months ...
-"watch out for the flying bullets!"-"Its not the birds but the bees that I'm worried about"
How nice to share all those good vibes with us.
How was that day exactly?

In the morning, you went to school. In one of your classes you met a cool chick that is now your GF. When you got home there was a message for you saying that a job offer is open.

Wow what a day that would be indeed.

For me it''s usually the other way around:
The second I leave work I find a GF, or the GF leaves me the day I get a job hahah
hehe, i know the feeling, got a job last year and relationship was in went tits up.. then, this year, just before an important meeting the same kinda thing happen, still at least i''ve got my job and my health... *dies*

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