Question about lights
What is the default light type of opengl?? is it a directional light? cant find any info on that, nor how to change the type into e.g. a spotlight
Tutorial 7 and the help topic glLightfv in MSDN should tell you everything you want to know.
One of the gotchas about OpenGL lighting is that it''s per vertex by default, meaning if you draw a big quad and shine a spotlight at the middle of it you''ll see nothing because the vertices aren''t inside the spotlight.
Good luck and have fun.
Love means nothing to a tennis player
One of the gotchas about OpenGL lighting is that it''s per vertex by default, meaning if you draw a big quad and shine a spotlight at the middle of it you''ll see nothing because the vertices aren''t inside the spotlight.
Good luck and have fun.
Love means nothing to a tennis player
My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)
Love means nothing to a tennis player
My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)
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