
TGA's and Alpha

Started by September 25, 2003 07:52 PM
1 comment, last by Aeturnum 21 years, 5 months ago
Hello everyone, I managed to talk my English teacher into letting me write a program as an art piece. However, I need to display a map of the Americas with transparencies around the boarders of countries. I currently am using TGA''s and am much happier with them then bitmaps, but all the transparent areas on the texture just show the quad that I rendered the texture on. Is there any way for me to have the transparent areas on a TGA also make any quad its texturing transparent? Kind of like masking, but without dealing with bitmaps (maybe just apply masking to TGA''s, though I don''t really want to).
cant understand your problem exactly, but i understand as i think, then you need to render transparent stuff last, or disable z write while rendering them.
Use alpha testing. Make alpha of area around map 0 and test if alpha >0.

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

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