
enough MMORPG

Started by September 25, 2003 04:39 PM
9 comments, last by PhiberOptic 21 years, 5 months ago
I think this forum has gone over to be a help-wanted forum for MMORPG creators that does not know what they are doing. like this: I''m looking for: * 10 programmers with great skills * 5 3d modellators * 5 texture artists * 3 designers * 5 producers * X dudes with a lot of money to donate * Everyone should do this 100% of their time for free.. Okay, enogh dissing.. I know that this post is not fair to all designers out there! I know you have plans, I just had to write that ;-) However, I (read me and some friends) have an idea. A nice, peacfull game with fluffy balls that are trying to live their lives as good as it gets in a nice, quiet forest with a lot of nice colors. You are "controlling" them as thier god. To do that, you can give them toys, so that they will stay happy. Also, you need to give them food and such stuff so that they survive. You need to keep your fluffy balls happy, cuz if they are not happy, you won''t get "cash" to spend on more toys and more food. If you succeed to earn a lof of "cash"/points, you can give them another house to live in, so that they can reproduce and expand their family. What do you think? We have experience in earlier game creations so this will not be impossible to make due to technical issues. The hard part will be to get the design to fit. ---------------------------------------------- Petter Nordlander "There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. The who understand binary and those who don''t"
----------------------------------------------Petter Nordlander"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. They who understand binary and those who do not"
Reminds me of SimCity, where if you screw up one thing, you can wreck everything. If for some reason you miss an event and people start leaving, it can be hard to get them back if you were relying on their tax money to get you through the next month. Then you just go in debt and the cycle goes until your city is dead. Of course...I could have just worked at being proficient at that game Also reminds me of those Tamigotchi things or whatever they were called. Used to be a craze something like 7 years ago. You could search online, as I think there are many software versions similar to this (tamigotchi''s were little handheld things, basically a little bigger than a watch). That''d give you an idea of what people have already done, so you can improve on it.
It reminds me of another 2 games

Dungeon Keeper 2 (mainly just the building part, as it's also a strat)

But also Black and White (I think i got the right title) Although you could be evil and make the people fear you.

First what's your target audience? Kids or everyone?
If kids, it should be simple.
If everyone, for a game like this you probably need to have humour. Most games like this do. Maybe have different approaches to keeping the fluffs.

Good - be nice, give them stuff and please them.
Bad - Scare them and force them into labour and make them worship you.
ugly - Get them addicted. (not with drugs) Have bars, casinos, bingo, and other addicting activities.
Boring - Workaholics... offer money and lots of it but nothing to buy.

As an aside, it would be hilarious if a portal of somekind opened up and they landed on the spacestation where Captain Kirk had to deal with some of them Tribbles!!

[edited by - trapdoor on September 26, 2003 8:05:52 AM] - Web-based strategy.End of Line
Also, you need to give them food and such stuff so that they survive. You need to keep your fluffy balls happy, cuz if they are not happy, you won''t get "cash" to spend on more toys and more food. If you succeed to earn a lof of "cash"/points, you can give them another house to live in, so that they can reproduce and expand their family
Sounds like I''m their slave, or sugar-daddy. This ''cash'' you speak of wouldn''t happen to be fluffy ball fecal matter?

Would I have to play with the fluffy balls? Or just feed them and keep them happy with toys?

I''m imagining a game where I play with my fluffy balls all day and they defecate gold coins.
Good - be nice, give them stuff and please them.
Bad - Scare them and force them into labour and make them worship you.
ugly - Get them addicted. (not with drugs) Have bars, casinos, bingo, and other addicting activities.
Boring - Workaholics... offer money and lots of it but nothing to buy.
Really Bad - shave them.

Yes, you have to play with them. The cash is not cash, but a kind of scoresystem. You will be more powerfull if you have more score.

Petter Nordlander

"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. They who understand binary and those who don''t"
----------------------------------------------Petter Nordlander"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. They who understand binary and those who do not"
How about you have to play with them to have them move around. The by product of all that fuzzy material rubbing against each other and/or other objects causes static electricity which you harness for power.
KarsQ: What do you get if you cross a tsetse fly with a mountain climber?A: Nothing. You can't cross a vector with a scalar.
Can the fuzzy balls evole? say start off as small fluffy balls, and then be raised into other things? Do the fluffy balls have minds of their own? Do they do things on their own such as if I buy them 2 ping pong paddles, will two fluffy balls hit a third one back and forth?

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

Kars: How about you have to play with them to have them move around. The by product of all that fuzzy material rubbing against each other and/or other objects causes static electricity which you harness for power.

How cool! I have to think about that!

Can the fuzzy balls evole? say start off as small fluffy balls, and then be raised into other things? Do the fluffy balls have minds of their own? Do they do things on their own such as if I buy them 2 ping pong paddles, will two fluffy balls hit a third one back and forth?

They will be able to mate, get kids and they will grow. We have thought about giving them "DNA" so that when a blue and a yellow one have some fun, a green baby will enter the game!

Also, they will have personalities. Due to this, there won''t be a lot of them (<20) in a single game. However, they are supposed to be nice with each other, not smashing other balls with a paddle! :-) (Could be an easteregg)

Petter Nordlander

"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. They who understand binary and those who don''t"

----------------------------------------------Petter Nordlander"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. They who understand binary and those who do not"
They won''t evolve, but if they eat anything after midnight they turn into nasty green balls that terrize everyone.

Oh, ya, and if they get wet, they multiply.
Original post by Anonymous Poster
They won''t evolve, but if they eat anything after midnight they turn into nasty green balls that terrize everyone.

Oh, ya, and if they get wet, they multiply.

"The human mind is limited only by the bounds which we impose upon ourselves." -iNfuSeD

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