
New in opengl

Started by September 24, 2003 10:18 AM
0 comments, last by Guto 21 years, 5 months ago
Hi, My name is Carlos and I´m starting in Opengl programming. So, I would like to know if I need some kind of api or library to program in visual c++!!! I´m glad for your help, Carlos Augusto

First off, welcome to the NeHe community! (no, i''m not the official greeter :-p ) OpenGL is an API for Visual C++, and you should probably make sure you have the latest version of it on your computer. More than likely it''s already installed on your computer if your running Windows XP. Version 1.1 is the only one available for download, and the newer versions are for your video card drivers.

To simplify what i just said, download the first demo for OpenGL from NeHe''s tutorials and open up the .dsw file. Compile the project, it should compile with no problems. Then run it.

If you have errors with compiling (like it can''t find opengl32.lib or a gl.h file or whatever) then head over to , under "users" goto download, then download the self-installing .exe file. Then head over to your video card manufacturer''s website and get the last video drivers for your card.

But that shouldn''t be necessary.

Good luck to you! Hope this helps

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