
Texture Mapped Outline Fonts by not by fonts

Started by September 23, 2003 05:56 PM
1 comment, last by daniej 21 years, 5 months ago
I''m a beginer in GL(also english too) so I''m searching someone who help me in GL. My question is about tutorial 15. In this tutorial is skull from windings fonts and I wonder if it can be made not from fonts but from *.bmp(black and white *.bmp). If someone know how to do it please, reply. Please forgive me my mistakes in that short text. Maby for few years I learn english on level that allow me write without mistakes. Beginer in GL
Beginer in GL
If the tutorial is about outline fonts (TTF) then you cannot do the same thing with a .bmp as source, because .bmp is a bitmap (not outline) format, and thus has no vector (geometric) data.
Yes, I know that is in ttf but I have a black and white *.bmp and I want to do witch this *.bmp the same thing like that witch font in tutorial 15. I don''t know how to do witch *.bmp this 3d effect and put teture on it.

Beginer in GL
Beginer in GL

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