
Skeletal animation tutorial

Started by September 22, 2003 11:09 PM
9 comments, last by ichiban_addict 21 years, 5 months ago
Hi i''ve read brett porters milkshape skeletal animation tutorials and i tried to run the program that i downloaded from his website but it didnt work and i also tried to compile the code with vc++ .net but i just get a bunch of errors, is there someway i can fix this?
Feel free to tell us more about the problem.. It would be nice to know what errors you get, so that we actually can help you..
I thought this problem might just be a problem with the tutorial''s files and not my computer because the site seems kind of outdated. Which is why I didn''t explain more(BTW thanks for your help Sneftel I don''t know what I would have done without you). So my problem is that when I compile I get a few warnings about a pragma pack(pop, packing ) command but I don''t think thats important...I get alot of errors saying unresolved external symbol __imp__glBindTextures@8 and unresolved external symbol __imp__glEnable@4, has anyone had this sort of problem or know what could be wrong?
The problem most certainly is with your setup. It looks like you haven''t linked in the GL libraries.

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
add these lines somewhere in a cpp file
#pragma comment(lib, "opengl32.lib")#pragma comment(lib, "glu32.lib")
"I am a donut! Ask not how many tris/batch, but rather how many batches/frame!" -- Matthias Wloka & Richard Huddy, (GDC, DirectX 9 Performance) -- My personal website
ya, ensure that you have opengl32.lib glu32.lib on your machine, and that they are in your LIB environment variable. alternitevely you can add their path to the linker properties within the VC project settings.

[EDIT: the libs should already be in the project settings, just not necessarily the correct path. i find the NeHe tuts to compile out of the box no problem... i've already got the gl libs in my LIB var.]


[edited by - Palidine on September 23, 2003 7:08:14 PM]

thanks alot, i did that and i only get one error now...its because there is no winmain function. so i added a winmain function myself to his tutorial but i dont think i did it right because i just get a blank screen when i run the program
i've also downloaded a couple of his other tutorials and they dont compile well either...

i understand keyframe animation it seems fairly simple and i want to make some kind of simple game where i use animated characters but it seems like there is alot more advantages to skeletal animation, do you think i should start programming my own math library and stuff like that b4 I try learning these things?
i've also read about 25 of nehe's tutorials and about 3 and a half pages of's openGL tutorials(and all the C++ and win32 ones). i have the book game programming gems 1...but most parts of it seem fairly difficult to understand, is there anything you guys recommend learning or reading b4 i try to read this book?

[edited by - Ichiban_Addict on September 24, 2003 1:42:44 PM]
Skeletal animation is kinda of complicated, it''s probably best to start out small and get some concepts down first. If you can set up opengl from scratch and get a rotating cube with bitmaps, lighting, filtering, etc up you''re doing pretty well.

Realize that sometimes programming has steep learning curves, so understanding the basics first is your top priority. Make sure you can program a good share of these examples on nehe and gametutorials first before trying any large feats (not just scanning them over :-p ).

As far as skeletal animation is concerned, i''ve been working on my own Milkshape 3d Ascii animator. So far i''ve got the program to load and display models well, i don''t think there are any problems there. I hit a huge wall though when i tried doing bone rotations, and it has stalled my project for a long while. But i think i finally figured out how i should do the rotations, and i should have the keyframe animations up and working correctly. I emailed NeHe about posting/submitting them as a tutorial, just waiting for him to reach the bottom of his mailbox :-D

But it will be a few weeks before these would go up (if they go up at all) so in the meantime, i suggest going back and double-checking your understanding of the tutorials, then if you feel ready and determined, make the quantum leap into programming gems 1. BTW, let me know how the book works out: i''ve been looking to get it, i''m just too cheap :-D
I ihad the same error on my DevC++ and I made it. So I did put the Glaux too and the last error went away! That''s a solace!

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