
Gnome vs. KDE

Started by September 19, 2003 01:04 PM
11 comments, last by clum 21 years, 4 months ago
I understand that this is for sure going to start a flame war (I''m sure its against some rule or another), but I''m genuinely curious about what people like and dislike about Gnome and KDE. You see, not having any experience with Gnome, I didn''t even bother installing it. However, I use Mozilla and that certainly is designed for Gnome (I still get Konqueror every time I click on a link from KMail). I''m also fed up with KDevelop and I like the look of Anjuta but is so heavily depends on Gnome that it doesn''t work properly in KDE. In other words, I''m thinking of changing over to Gnome but I don''t want to bother if I''m not going to like it. So, what do you have to say about KDE vs. Gnome???
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
KDE''s better cause its smaller and doesn''t take several days to install, only a few hours.

void Signature(void* Pointer)
PObject(Pointer)->ShowMessage("Why do we need so many pointers?");

Two guys walk into a bar. One''s an Isreali ambassador, one''s a Palestinian ambassador. They both get drunk. Then they start peace talks.
void Signature(void* Pointer){PObject(Pointer)->ShowMessage("Why do we need so many pointers?");};
Original post by clum
I understand that this is for sure going to start a flame war (I''m sure its against some rule or another), but I''m genuinely curious about what people like and dislike about Gnome and KDE. You see, not having any experience with Gnome, I didn''t even bother installing it. However, I use Mozilla and that certainly is designed for Gnome (I still get Konqueror every time I click on a link from KMail). I''m also fed up with KDevelop and I like the look of Anjuta but is so heavily depends on Gnome that it doesn''t work properly in KDE. In other words, I''m thinking of changing over to Gnome but I don''t want to bother if I''m not going to like it.

So, what do you have to say about KDE vs. Gnome???

Actually, you''re extremely wrong. Mozilla is completely not related to any WMs or DMs. It is completely independant and workds well in all WMs which wouldn''t be the case if it were made for a specifice Window Manager or Desktop Manager. Now, As for which is better, it''s a matter of choices and no, GNOME doesn''t take forever to install anymore, with the right tools. So basicly, from using most of the WMs and DMs out there, it always comes down to a matter of choice.

[Cyberdrek | the last true sorcerer | Spirit Mage -][ Administrator & WebMaster GuLSE]
[Cyberdrek | ]
Since I didn''t get any replies for a while (ever since school started, these forums haven''t been to active), I decided to just go ahead and install it. It just took about half an hour (including download time) with YaST. It''s quite ugly, to tell the truth (no matter what theme I try), but I''ll try it out for a while and see how it goes. I was under the impression that Mozilla was gnome-related because it SuSE categorized it under Gnome in YaST. It loads much quicker than KDE did, but I keep getting Sig11 for weird things. And I can''t get SuSEWatcher to appear in the panel. I''ll see.
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
I like gnome because it doesn't take literally days to compile (I use a source-based distribution). I'm currently using gnome 2.4, and startup time is basically nothing. (I get just barely enough time to recognize that it has a prettier splash screen, but not enough to appreciate it) Gnome has also made some better technical decisions, IMHO, such as pushing forward on gstreamer, and implementing gconf.

[edit] Btw, some distros *still* provide gnome 1.4. This is stupid; it's ugly as sin and less usable than Windows 3.0. Make sure you get at least Gnome 2.2, preferably 2.4.

[edited by - Flarelocke on September 19, 2003 5:32:35 PM]
---New infokeeps brain running;must gas up!
Hmmm...It appears that SuSE 8.2 comes with Gnome 2.0. When I''m in the mood, I''ll try downloading and compiling version 2.4 from the source.
Zorx (a Puzzle Bobble clone)Discontinuity (an animation system for POV-Ray)
Hmmm...It appears that SuSE 8.2 comes with Gnome 2.0. When I''m in the mood, I''ll try downloading and compiling version 2.4 from the source.
Sure, right after you invent a perpetual motion machine and solve world hunger.

Seriously, compiling gnome from source is really hard, if for no other reason than it''s hard to figure out which packages to install first (starts with gtk+2, atk, pango, and pkg-config. Then it gets hard. Fortunately, because of pkg-config, it''s easy to read the errors that result from a missing dep.). The only reason I could do it is because someone else figured out which packages depend on which (you might want to look at linux from scratch for that information. I think several source-based distros use them for reference)

You also probably want to get some updated packages, like gnome-office 2.0. (released only a few days ago)
---New infokeeps brain running;must gas up!
I would suggest that you wait for SuSE to actually place it on their servers, and then get the packages from them, if they don''t, then Gnome 2.4 will be in the next version of SuSE more than likely. Although with that distro, KDE is much nicer looking, IMO.

bastard2k5 is a Giant Dragon that leaves a Trail of Goo, Hovers Eerily, swallows Aeroplanes Whole, and eats Metal.
(Strength: 9 Agility: 9 Intelligence: 8)
Unleash your Giant Battle Monster.
Updated (version 2.2) Gnome for SuSE in RPM form. It''s generally recommended to use something like GARNOME to automate Gnome building if you''re going to build it by hand.

As for Gnome versus KDE: It''s almost all personal opinion. Try them both. It really isn''t that much work, and it''s the only way you can be sure of which you like better .

I think KDE looks better and has better apps directly integrated with it (Kthis, Kthat, Kthekitchensink, Ketc...). I think Gnome has the best 3rd party support, and the best 3rd party apps (Primarily, Ximian is teh roxors).

I am *actually* just finally at a point to install suse (see thread from ~2 weeks ago) and am probably going to put them both on, but Gnome will be my default until I find a proper Ximian replacement.

I enjoyed uisng KDE on OpenBSD, before I wiped that hd for space. I enjoy using Gnome on my Solaris box. I used Gnome in Redhat 6 years ago, and absolutely *hated* it. I decided never to go back to Redhat or Gnome; however, Gnome has improved appreciably and after a second chance I am impressed. Now Redhat, well that''s a different story ...
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