My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)
Hey NeHe
How many hours a night of SLEEP do you get?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Love means nothing to a tennis player
Love means nothing to a tennis player
My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)
This is actually a really good question.....It appears you never sleep and spend all your time making this awsome site
The Untitled RPG - |||||||||| 40%Free Music for your gamesOriginal post by capn_midnight 23yrold, is your ass burning from all the kissing it is recieving?
Any real programmers dosnt sleep

--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind
All you need is some Bawls Guarana

||--------------------------||Black Hole Productionshttp://bhp.nydus.netResident expert on||--------------------------||
You can unction with around 2-3 hours per day if you have lots of caffine. Bawls Guarana is a good choice.
Scott Simontis
Scott Simontis
Scott SimontisMy political blog
A over priced energy drink like amp or redbull.
Bawls is mroe populer with the gaming/programing type
Bawls is mroe populer with the gaming/programing type

I hardly sleep, I just do it all with a little coffee coke and hard rock blasting 24/7.
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind
I''m just starting to learn the basics of OpenGL, and find myself getting just 2-4 hrs sleep every night. (Or should I say morning, ''cause it seems I''m not going down before dawn.)
Anywayz, I make do with simple coffee that can''t really be swallowed until chewed. Energy drinks here in Norway only contain four cups or less of coffee, and cost an arm and a leg, so plain coffee is good enough for me.
I was at a party a couple of weeks back and didn''t get home until 05:30 am. There was quite a bit of alcohol consumed and after having made some food, I couldn''t sleep so I picked up a C++ book I was reading and read that for a few hours.
Right now the time is 01:45 am here in Norway, and I''m not even thinking about sleep. I guess all this no-sleep strategy is going to backfire on me sometime, but I''ll worry about that, when that time comes.
Anywayz, I make do with simple coffee that can''t really be swallowed until chewed. Energy drinks here in Norway only contain four cups or less of coffee, and cost an arm and a leg, so plain coffee is good enough for me.
I was at a party a couple of weeks back and didn''t get home until 05:30 am. There was quite a bit of alcohol consumed and after having made some food, I couldn''t sleep so I picked up a C++ book I was reading and read that for a few hours.
Right now the time is 01:45 am here in Norway, and I''m not even thinking about sleep. I guess all this no-sleep strategy is going to backfire on me sometime, but I''ll worry about that, when that time comes.
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