
Simple Milkshape 3D models?

Started by September 16, 2003 05:10 PM
6 comments, last by DalTXColtsFan 21 years, 5 months ago
(First, before I post, anyone else noticed that the Milkshape3D website seems to be down a LOT???) Anyone have any simple Milkshape models that they wouldn''t mind donating to a city demo I''m working on? I''m just looking for anything simple, doesn''t even have to be more than 200 polygons if that works. Anything you might find in a city - benches, mailboxes, streetlights, cars, etc. I promise to give credit Side question, google doesn''t offer much help when I type in "Milkshape model library". Anyone know of any sites that have milkshape model libraries, simple or complex? Thanks! DTex Love means nothing to a tennis player

My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)

One of the strenght points in Milkshape is it''s ability to import and export many file type, so go to or and get ur model then export it to milkshape model..
Thanks yehia - I hate it when I forget the obvious stuff *blush*.

3dcafe is cool - you're right, it's so simple to download those 3ds files and export them as MilkShape files - lesson 31 can read them right in too. I'm seeing a problem with the lesson 31 code that it doesn't seem to be acknowledging the material color, only textures - all surfaces get rendered white, but I want to see if I can figure that one out. seems to be down - have you tried accessing it in the last few hours? And *@$#&($ I have so much trouble getting into the *$($#@ MilkShape page!!!! Is it just me???

I'm still interested in simple models if anyone still wouldn't mind donating - the models on 3dcafe are thousands of polygons, I would like to start a little simpler than that at first.

I'll certainly appreciate the help and give credit!

Love means nothing to a tennis player

My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)

[edited by - DalTXColtsFan on September 17, 2003 10:54:16 AM]
Tell me what you want and I will do some up. I don''t use MilkShape anymore but my editor can export to MS3D binary or ASCII text format. Are you also looking for texturing?
I visit the ms3d site pretty much every day, and I don''t think it has been down more than a couple of times the last 2 years or so.. Haven''t heard anyone else having problems with it before either, so probably your connection. As for models, I have a few on my site, but they''re mostly sci-fi and structures, so I doubt you can use them. Try searching the art forum on the ms3d site, I think I''ve seen a bench and a lightpost and some other things like that. Good luck with the demo
nfz - If you want to help me it''d be great - texturing would be wonderful but don''t kill yourself - I''m the beggar here so I can''t be the chooser . All I''m looking for are any low-polygon models that are something you might find in a city. Surprise me .

taharez - you might be right, I''m at work. I''ll try my other computer when I get home.

Love means nothing to a tennis player

My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)

I did up a simple mailbox with a 64x64 bmp texture today at work during lunch hour. Where do you want it sent? I got a little carried away with the rusty look of the metal so you may want to modify the texture. I will do a lamp post tommorrow at lunch time to kill the hour. will be fine.

Thanks a ton!

Love means nothing to a tennis player

My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)

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