
Gradient Image

Started by September 13, 2003 01:05 PM
4 comments, last by lobravo 21 years, 5 months ago
I''m trying to make a lightray. That light that enters by the window untill the ground. I need to make my image(BMP or JPG) be gradient. It start strong when enter into the window and gets weak till reach the ground. An example of it is a enter in the contest. There is a image that explain all i wrote. Thanx for all...
"There are people who live in the reality. We recreate it!"
No what you want to do is leave it un textured and color the vertexes.
Yeah, that makes sense!
"There are people who live in the reality. We recreate it!"
For the lightray-coming-from-the-window, You might want to try to color the vertices, use a sorta random texture (mainly white with lotsa grey dots on it) and slowly translate the texture coordinates.

I saw this in a Quake3 shader (there''a a spotlight on the ceiling in q3dm0 for example) and it shows a light+dust effect quite well.

SaM3d!, a cross-platform API for 3d based on SDL and OpenGL.
The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
SaM3d!, a cross-platform API for 3d based on SDL and OpenGL.The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
Yeah hes right, if you add a bit of noise for a textrue, with colored vertexes it looks very nice...

Although depending on the situation a solid lightray would also look good.
i understood very well! i was just havin problems in my windows and the editor to make it isn''t installed yet. But it is all clear now!
"There are people who live in the reality. We recreate it!"

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