
OpenGL on a TV using GeForce3 Ti200

Started by September 12, 2003 01:22 PM
4 comments, last by Kotumo 20 years, 11 months ago
Hi, I have a Creative GeForce3 Ti200 and I''m wondering if it''s at all possible to initialize and use OpenGL on a TV through the TV-out. I haven''t got X installed and I hope I can get by without it. The thing is, I have this linuxbox in my livingroom and I thought it would be nice if I could use it to show different effects (kinda like WinAmp plugins) on the TV. Any of you ever done something like this? Thanks Kotumo
I believe most cards can only display hardware accelleration on the primary output. So if you set the tv-out as primary it should work the same way as on a monitor.

I did it the easy way and bought me a second-hand snes though

Yes, thats definently a way to go.

How do I set the TV as primary monitor? I''ve seen examples on how to do it using XFree86, but I want to try without installing X. Do I need a special driver? Where do I start looking?

Thanks for the response.

I'm new to linux and am already glad I have X working..

I'm sorry I can't help you more

[edited by - Seraphim on September 20, 2003 7:06:12 AM]
AFAIK all nVidia and ATi Linux drivers require X for OpenGL
Ok, then I''ll just have to install X. I wanted an installation as small as posible, but if I have to, I have to. Thanks for the replies.

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