This is probably a n00bquestion, but
should I call the gluLookAt(...) at the beginning of my rendering process? I cant experiment with it for some time to come, but by the time I do get to code openGL, i''ll be in a real hurry and need to spend as less time experimenting as possible...
If you don''t have time to experiment, you''re not going to be very good at OpenGL.
Anyways, yeah. You call it on the model/view matrix.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Anyways, yeah. You call it on the model/view matrix.
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.
Well I do have some D3D7 and D3D9 experience
but stuff like gluLookAt is new to me since I switched to opengl

gluLookAt is the same as D3DXMatrixLookAtLH
I don't know Direct3D that well, but doesn't OpenGL use a right-handed system? Maybe you want D3DXMatrixLookAtRH?
[edited by - UnIcron on September 12, 2003 11:23:52 PM]
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