
Ideas for NeHe's site funding ?

Started by September 11, 2003 08:01 AM
17 comments, last by rodzilla 21 years, 5 months ago
Original post by djdynamic
Absolutely no one would want to use the Nehe base code for commercial development.

Thanx, that''s constructive !

NeHe does a great work on the site, and wrote tutorials that are extremely good (easy to understand). Sure, the basecode is Windows dependant and far from perfect, but it contains the minimal set of features required to write tuts (so that one can concentrate on the tut''s code, and port the tuts easily).
Does this site need a new basecode ? Perhaps. Does this basecode have to target *nix, MacOSX, consoles, whatever ? I think so.
But maybe Jeff has an opinion. And he has to decide about this.

BTW, those posts are off-topic. Still waiting for the GoodIdea(TM).

SaM3d!, a cross-platform API for 3d based on SDL and OpenGL.
The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
SaM3d!, a cross-platform API for 3d based on SDL and OpenGL.The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
nehe could cut his hair and sell it on ebay
What if we did a NeHe CD that had exclusive content. Anyone with fairly decent code (that has not already been released online) that they think others might want could clean it up, write a tutorial on it, and send it to NeHe. Then NeHe produces another CD. Then perhaps if we get enough code, we could do a game engine or something.

(c) BadIdea(TM)
Well he could develop his engine alot more, I havnt looked at the code in awhile. I do wish the contests had more linux entries. I tryed to run a few of them via winex but non did.
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind
I recently saw a site that used a voting system where you pay a small ammount of money and you are able to vote on which features you would like. This was related to free software, so it was as if the voters were paying the creators to make a feature they wanted.

I don''t know how to tie it into the NeHe site but I thought it was an interesting idea. Maybe people would vote on which topics they would like in the next tuts?

If you log into you can see an example in case my description wasn''t good enough.

One idea is:

In guitar sites, when u need to create a band, you need the guys to play the drum, the guitar, the bass...
So you put there your name with ur city, what u play and so on.
So any other person can enter and search for a person that play guitar, a city and so on. So he found ur name. he contacts you.

The same could happen here. Many ppl wants to create a team to join makin games. But Jeff could, when a person went to search, join or register a team, ask money.

Another thing is offer a place to guys put their own tutorials, made by themselves. They sell it to other person and Jeff ask a percentage of the tutorial value. As a shop when sell a book.

"There are people who live in the reality. We recreate it!"
"There are people who live in the reality. We recreate it!"
About the users posting tutorials idea, I have already spoken to Jeff about this around Jan of this year when I launched Programmers Unlimited. I dont remember his exact response, but i know it was not a priority task at the time.

As for a money making idea, nVidia has a position open for demo coders to create demo''s to show off the features of their new cards. This job listing was listed in the July issue of CPU magazine so i''m not full of shxt if that''s your thought. Now Jeff would have to leave his current job, which I think he should because I know exactly how he feel and though I do not get treated badly as he does, I should be making much much more $$ for what I do.

You guys ever see the commercials with the old man who is selling training CD''s to learn how to use windows and other software? Maybe something openGL related in that manner would be good? My staff of people has plenty of knowledge of how to do this. It''s not hard, but it is time consuming and costly upfront.

Just my 2 cents. People usually ignore me anyways

Dustin Davis
Owner / CEO
Programmers Unlimited
Dustin DavisOwner / CEOProgrammers
Thats not a bad idea Dustin, but I don''t think it would go off to well. Although there is no doubt in my mind there are people who would like to learn it that way, there are still alot more people who need to know the difference between a keyboard and a mouse (I''ve met a few).

Richard J Hancock
Owner @ RJH Computers

VP @ Digital Resolution Studios
Well, this is jus a smal idea, but perhaps it could help to get somone to donate a little more.
I hink that if there was a donation counter that was re-set every month (aka, curenty donation tally for the month) that might encourage a few people to donate a bit more when they see how little has come in.

Spearhawk Productions
Project Andromeda

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