
The LOTR Entries that didn't run

Started by September 08, 2003 11:12 AM
6 comments, last by Enigma 21 years, 5 months ago
I've just looked through all the LOTR entries (now that they're finally up). Two of them didn't run: Hermanns Christophe's and Luke Benstead's. Luke Benstead's was just missing MSVCR70.dll, which I shall now go and try to download. Hermanns Christophe's gave the following error message:

Can not switch to fullscreen  error with your graphic card or glut lib
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date   : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExCTexture::LoadFile(std::string FileName)
* Line   : 251
* File   : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Object\ExCTextur
* Make date : Sep  1 2003 12:29:09
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date   : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExCTexture::ExCTexture(std::string FileName)
* Line   : 45
* File   : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Object\ExCTextur
* Make date : Sep  1 2003 12:29:09
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date   : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExManagerTexture::Load(std::string FileName)
* Line   : 226
* File   : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ManagerO
* Make date : Sep  1 2003 12:30:07
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date   : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExManagerTexture::Add(std::string FileName)
* Line   : 259
* File   : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ManagerO
* Make date : Sep  1 2003 12:30:07
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date   : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : void ExManagerConsole::SetConsoleBackGroudTexture(std::string FileNam
* Line   : 119
* File   : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ExManage
* Make date : Sep  1 2003 12:31:23
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date   : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : void ExManagerConsole::init(void)
* Line   : 107
* File   : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ExManage
* Make date : Sep  1 2003 12:31:23
Unknow error in ManagerConsole Init
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date   : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExManagerFog::Init(void)
* Line   : 73
* File   : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ExManage
* Make date : Sep  1 2003 12:31:21
Unknow error in ManagerFog Init
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date   : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : int main(...)
* Line   : 95
* File   : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Main.cpp
* Make date : Sep  1 2003 12:31:32


I'd like to see these two demos before voting - any chance of a fix Hermanns?

This is running on a 933Mhz Pentium 3 with Geforce 256 and reasonably up-to-date drivers.


EDIT: closing source tag

<SPAN CLASS=editedby>[edited by - Enigma on September 8, 2003 12:14:29 PM]</SPAN>
You probably need to install Visual Studio .NET to compile them, or install the .net framework to run them.
Ahh, sorry guys I forgot about that dll. I''ve uploaded it to here if anyone needs it.



"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
Hermanns Christophe''s demo was wicked - great rendition of the battle of Helm''s Depp

Hats of to you all.

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future"
I also have problems running Hermanns Christophe's demo. Either it runs very slow with missing textures, or doesn't run at all...

Christophe, is there a way of running your demo at a lower resolution ? Thanx !

[edited by - rodzilla on September 9, 2003 8:08:53 AM]
SaM3d!, a cross-platform API for 3d based on SDL and OpenGL.The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
Hey all
thks to try my demo.

I know there is probleme with some type of graphic card and glut for full screen mode.

There is a LAuncher for the engine but due to the lake of place i didn t place it into the demo package.And ome configuration stuff are desactived to...

you can find ExNihilo launcher here
puts the 2 files in bin directory

if you have other probleme contact me on msn
or on my mail

Data Hermanns Christophe
ExNihilo Engine a open source Engine
Yep, that did the trick.


Thanx Christophe ! Finally I had a look at your demo. Very good !

It runs too slow on "minimum requirement" machines (why did you set a high resolution as default ?) ;
The armies reminded me good ol'' Castle Wolfenstein 3d (not RTCW... ;*)

BTW, is movement time based ? I ran the demo on 2 machines and I felt the demo was longer on the slow machine.

(signature test ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...)


The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
SaM3d!, a cross-platform API for 3d based on SDL and OpenGL.The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)

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