Can not switch to fullscreen error with your graphic card or glut lib
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExCTexture::LoadFile(std::string FileName)
* Line : 251
* File : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Object\ExCTextur
* Make date : Sep 1 2003 12:29:09
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExCTexture::ExCTexture(std::string FileName)
* Line : 45
* File : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Object\ExCTextur
* Make date : Sep 1 2003 12:29:09
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExManagerTexture::Load(std::string FileName)
* Line : 226
* File : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ManagerO
* Make date : Sep 1 2003 12:30:07
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExManagerTexture::Add(std::string FileName)
* Line : 259
* File : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ManagerO
* Make date : Sep 1 2003 12:30:07
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : void ExManagerConsole::SetConsoleBackGroudTexture(std::string FileNam
* Line : 119
* File : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ExManage
* Make date : Sep 1 2003 12:31:23
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : void ExManagerConsole::init(void)
* Line : 107
* File : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ExManage
* Make date : Sep 1 2003 12:31:23
Unknow error in ManagerConsole Init
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : ExManagerFog::Init(void)
* Line : 73
* File : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Manager\ExManage
* Make date : Sep 1 2003 12:31:21
Unknow error in ManagerFog Init
*********************CALL STACK*********************
* Date : Mon Sep 08 16:27:30 2003
* Module : int main(...)
* Line : 95
* File : \Documents and Settings\Data\Desktop\LotrDemo\Source\Main.cpp
* Make date : Sep 1 2003 12:31:32
I'd like to see these two demos before voting - any chance of a fix Hermanns?
This is running on a 933Mhz Pentium 3 with Geforce 256 and reasonably up-to-date drivers.
EDIT: closing source tag
<SPAN CLASS=editedby>[edited by - Enigma on September 8, 2003 12:14:29 PM]</SPAN>
The LOTR Entries that didn't run
I've just looked through all the LOTR entries (now that they're finally up). Two of them didn't run: Hermanns Christophe's and Luke Benstead's. Luke Benstead's was just missing MSVCR70.dll, which I shall now go and try to download. Hermanns Christophe's gave the following error message:
You probably need to install Visual Studio .NET to compile them, or install the .net framework to run them.
Ahh, sorry guys I forgot about that dll. I''ve uploaded it to here if anyone needs it.
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
Hermanns Christophe''s demo was wicked - great rendition of the battle of Helm''s Depp
Hats of to you all.
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future"

Hats of to you all.
"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future"
I also have problems running Hermanns Christophe's demo. Either it runs very slow with missing textures, or doesn't run at all...
Christophe, is there a way of running your demo at a lower resolution ? Thanx !
[edited by - rodzilla on September 9, 2003 8:08:53 AM]
Christophe, is there a way of running your demo at a lower resolution ? Thanx !
[edited by - rodzilla on September 9, 2003 8:08:53 AM]
SaM3d!, a cross-platform API for 3d based on SDL and OpenGL.The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
September 09, 2003 09:49 AM
Hey all
thks to try my demo.
I know there is probleme with some type of graphic card and glut for full screen mode.
There is a LAuncher for the engine but due to the lake of place i didn t place it into the demo package.And ome configuration stuff are desactived to...
you can find ExNihilo launcher here
puts the 2 files in bin directory
if you have other probleme contact me on msn
or on my mail
Data Hermanns Christophe
ExNihilo Engine a open source Engine
thks to try my demo.
I know there is probleme with some type of graphic card and glut for full screen mode.
There is a LAuncher for the engine but due to the lake of place i didn t place it into the demo package.And ome configuration stuff are desactived to...
you can find ExNihilo launcher here
puts the 2 files in bin directory
if you have other probleme contact me on msn
or on my mail
Data Hermanns Christophe
ExNihilo Engine a open source Engine
Thanx Christophe ! Finally I had a look at your demo. Very good !
It runs too slow on "minimum requirement" machines (why did you set a high resolution as default ?) ;
The armies reminded me good ol'' Castle Wolfenstein 3d (not RTCW... ;*)
BTW, is movement time based ? I ran the demo on 2 machines and I felt the demo was longer on the slow machine.
(signature test ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...)
The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
It runs too slow on "minimum requirement" machines (why did you set a high resolution as default ?) ;
The armies reminded me good ol'' Castle Wolfenstein 3d (not RTCW... ;*)
BTW, is movement time based ? I ran the demo on 2 machines and I felt the demo was longer on the slow machine.
(signature test ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...)
The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
SaM3d!, a cross-platform API for 3d based on SDL and OpenGL.The trouble is that things never get better, they just stay the same, only more so. -- (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
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