
No sound???

Started by September 08, 2003 02:36 AM
1 comment, last by silo 21 years, 5 months ago
i was wonderin if anyone new how to get sond to play with an avi file???

normally, the sond is not compatible with avi format, we hope u now thia, so to play it anyway, you must use the OpenGL extensions available only on the GeForce100xKLM or higher, where you can use functions as glPlaySoundNowSimultaneouslyWithAVI(LPCTSTR lpctstrFilename, DWORD dwExt);

hope that helps
How do you get the image data out? There must be a comparable way to decompress the audio data too. Then you can put it in a DirectSound streaming buffer or whatever is appropriate for the audio library you''re using.

Note that OpenGL doesn''t do audio because it''s a Graphics Library (GL).

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