
Question answered with Lesson 06!

Started by September 07, 2003 12:25 AM
0 comments, last by DarkWhoppy 21 years, 5 months ago
I''d been searching the net trying to figure out what a Handle is. And... reading through NeHe''s OpenGL tutorials I found that answer. I even posted here, on the GameDev forum to find an answer but no one could give me the definition.
First thing we do is create a file handle. A handle is a value used to identify a resource so that our program can access it.
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a handle is a kind of pointer for windows object !
It can be :
a windows pointer (HWND) - window handle -
a application pointer (HINSTANCE) - instance handle -
a brush pointer (HBRUSH) - brush handle - etc...
it always begin by ''H''

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