
The Two Towers Entries!

Started by September 06, 2003 08:38 AM
42 comments, last by Lukerd 21 years, 5 months ago
Although they''re not ready for download yet, this topic is gonna appear sooner or later so might as well start it now I''ve just been looking at the screenshots they all look pretty impressive. I can''t wait to download them all! Hyperdev
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
My goal for this contest is that at least one person did worse than me.
Entry screenshots look good. Can''t wait to see them.
I''ve just downloaded Andreas Hammars demo and Brian Truitt''s. Andrea''s one is very cool, the artwork is great. I can''t wait to see the source of Brian''s one, i''d really like to know how he did that with the runes, I cant work it out



"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
I just posted this in the other contest thread, thought it might be worth posting here too:

How are people intending to judge the entries? Purley artistic, purely technical or a bit of both? Andreas Hammar''s demo was certainly spectacular from an artistic point of view, but I suspect some of the later entries will be more impressive from a technical point of view. No disrespect to Andreas Hammar (it''s too early to talk about a winner yet, but his demo will certainly be a strong contender) but I feel that it''s important to remember the technical aspect as well.

What are peoples thoughts?


~CGameProgrammer( );

~CGameProgrammer( ); Developer Image Exchange -- New Features: Upload screenshots of your games (size is unlimited) and upload the game itself (up to 10MB). Free. No registration needed.
One of the goals I wanted to achieve in my demo was to make it as complete and polished on all fronts as I could. E.g. I worked real hard on making the music as dramatic as possible (I composed it myself - I now have great respect for musicians - very hard to get something that sounds decent), as well as trying to go for cool graphical effects. I much prefer a demo that looks "completed" rather than one that has some awsome effects before suddenly being cut short. As for technical effects, they definitely have merit but I think I personally prefer nice eye candy
Original post by Lukerd
I can't wait to see the source of Brian's one, i'd really like to know how he did that with the runes, I cant work it out

You really don't wanna see the source code for mine, it'll drive the strongest of men mad

A good way to get a better look at how it's doing the runes, is to make a backup of Main-Text.txt , and replace it with the following:

1 32017UQWS

Make sure to put a carrage return after the S in the last line. The 320 sets it to run really slow so you can watch it, and those letters have enough going on to give you a good look at what the particles are doing. Basically, my demo is just a very large, overbearing particle engine

[edited by - dizzydog on September 7, 2003 9:41:48 AM]
Original post by Lukerd
I''ve just downloaded Andreas Hammars demo and Brian Truitt''s. Andrea''s one is very cool, the artwork is great. I can''t wait to see the source of Brian''s one, i''d really like to know how he did that with the runes, I cant work it out



"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"

Where did you download from? I tried downloading from nehe''s site, and none of the files exist.
The ones that were available now seem to have been removed.

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