Original post by HiddeN_BiT
I read at opengl.org''s FAQ that ogl version from 1.2 and above
are installed with my graphics card drivers.
I don''t understand that.It means that when i install newer drivers, ogl''s files (gl32.h, gl32.lib etc) are updated too or just the extensions that my graphic card supports?
Original post by HiddeN_BiT
When my graphics card says that it supports ogl, what does this really mean? That it accelarates ALL ogl''s functions (ogl''s version depends on card''s age) plus that it gives me some extensions?
Original post by HiddeN_BiT
If i have an old card, can i code in a newer ogl version (possibly not supported by the card), and if so where can i get any newer ogl versions (i am asking that caused i searched with google but i couldn''t find anything)?
Original post by HiddeN_BiT
In any event if i want to use more ogl features that Windows MCD does not support, nor my (crappy)ICD (software rendering)i should port Mesa to Windows and use THIS as an MCD.
Original post by HiddeN_BiT
But if Mesa is an ogl implementation won''t it be slower (compared to pure ogl)?
Original post by HiddeN_BiT
And an other question which just poped in my mind.
If the is no update for Windows MCD how do they manage to code all these really cool graphics we see on games (i.e.)? They use A LOT of extensios?
Original post by HiddeN_BiT
And how do they manage to render these graphics (poorly though) with hardware that simply does not support these extensions(for example i can play games like Quake 3 and medal of honor with my crappy card)?
if (GLEE_VERSION_1_4){ //OpenGL 1.4 commands go here glMultiTexCoord3f(...); }
____________________________________________________________www.elf-stone.com | Automated GL Extension Loading: GLee 5.00 for Win32 and Linux