
"Bigger" models==slower rendering?

Started by June 29, 2000 07:42 PM
1 comment, last by JimmyP 24 years, 4 months ago
I finally seem to have my 3ds loader almost finsihed it loads geometry and sets up normals an texture coordinates.I noticed though that3ds models are quite "big" meaning that I had to translate about 300.0f out(-z) and set the clipping planes accordingly(100.0f,400.0f) to render the object correctly.Now at this point I have just a simple chopper(chopper.3ds) textured with a (256x256) bitmap.I was wondering if it would be better if I divided the vertex coords. by say... 10 to scale down the object.Would that be ok or would I risk loosing geometry accuracy(or geometry in general)... -=Jimmy=-
I dont think that it would change anything. the x, y coordinates are mapped to windows coordinates using z.

if both were placed, so they would have the same size on the screen, they would both have the same number of tri''s, normals, and require the same fillrate.

I thought so myself,just needed to make sure.Thanx for the info anyway...


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