
secure nfs

Started by August 30, 2003 05:11 PM
4 comments, last by griffenjam 21 years ago
I want to setup my home system to be a nfs server so that while I''m at work (Windows 2000) or school (Red Hat 9) I can acces the files on my homw system (Red Hat 9). Originally I wanted to use ssh port forwarding, but I found that nfs uses multiple ports, and uses UDP packets, which can''t be forwarded (at presant). IS there some other solution that I''m not aware of. Either a way of securing nfs (kinda like securing SMTP and POP3 by routing it through SSH) or an alterntive to NFS. "The paths of glory lead but to the grave." - Thomas Gray
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"The paths of glory lead but to the grave." - Thomas GrayMy Stupid BlogMy Online Photo Gallery
Why not just use scp?

I don''t know exactly what you want to keep together, but you can get SSH on Windows. The version has a windows ui-drag&drop interface for transfering files with ssh, and is free for non-commercial use. Some creative scripts and the command line scp program that comes with SSH has been enough for me in the past to sync files from work to home and vice versa.

There is SNFS, don''t have a web page, if you look it up you''ll find it, but I don''t think there is a Windows version yet (its not NFS over SSH, but Secure NFS).

You could look into an implementation of WebDav as well. Just runs over Apache. I''ve never tried it personally, don''t know where to point you to start.

quote: Original post by Interim
Why not just use scp?

Because I had never heard of scp before.

Thanks for the info.

"The paths of glory lead but to the grave." - Thomas GrayMy Stupid BlogMy Online Photo Gallery

No problem. Take a look at ''man scp''. Its essentially just like cp. If you set up your certificates properly, can do scp files without password prompts at every command.

Check out

The install has the UI I mentioned. You can also just script off scp from the command line. Check the help files on the program after install for the command line version.

you can use sftp. is like ftp, but with ssh encryptation... i use it, and it works great!

[edited by - roka-tarat on August 31, 2003 6:58:33 AM]
I recall seeing coda support in the linux kernel. Coda''s webpage says it''s secure, though I haven''t checked for anyone else''s opinions.

Coda is a filesystem, so you can use it just like nfs. Windows probably doesn''t support it, though.

However, it''s probably best to use one of the other systems suggested by the other posters: ssh/scp, sftp, etc.
---New infokeeps brain running;must gas up!

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