
Non-Euler Rotation / Arbitrary Axis

Started by August 27, 2003 03:46 PM
0 comments, last by Steve132 21 years, 6 months ago
Does anyone know how to do a rotation without using Euler Rotation? That is, A rotation along an arbitrary axis. I Am trying to make a flight sim program, and i want to be able to have a rotation around the x axis be a rotation around the x axis in relation to the camera alignment, so tht no matter which way i am facing, a rotation over the x axis will nose up/down, a rotation on the y will yaw, and a rotation on the z will barrel roll. Any info would be greatly apreciated --steve
Store the orientation and update with the current movement. Multiply the ModelView matrix with the result and you are done, just dont forget to inverse before the multiply if you are setting the camera and not the object.

The controversial part is how to store the rotations. In matrices or quaternions?
Here is a page with info

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