
Installing eclipse under red hat 9

Started by August 27, 2003 11:53 AM
2 comments, last by Barjavel 21 years ago
hi, I did install java sdk 1.4.2(got it rpm) well it dont ask me where i want when i install Eclipse it tell me cannot find ''bin'' under home/x/eclipse/jre/lib/ ''something like that, i''m not on my Linux machine.... is there anyone to chose where I want to install the JAva SDK??? or i need to install eclipse in the same dir of the SDK??? I''m kinda a newbie to Linux .... Thanks in advance
You probably just have to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to wherever the RPM installed the java directory. Probably /usr/local/java or /usr/local/java1.4.2.

set JAVA_HOME = /your/java/path
export JAVA_HOME

Might want to add this to your startup script or .bashrc (think its .bashrc) so you have it everytime you log in.

Int. (Editted)

PS. Yes, usually what most people do is just put make a symlink /usr/local/java -> /usr/local/java1.4.2 or whatever version they want to be the default, then use the JAVA_HOME (pretty sure its JAVA_HOME, been a while since I set it.) If you symlink from your home directory, you'll have to do it for every user.

I'm guessing its defaulting to the directory you ran your exe from /home/x/eclipse and assumes that is the java home, so then fails when it looks for jre/lib/ there.


[edited by - Interim on August 27, 2003 5:04:57 PM]
Probably your best and easiest bet will be to sym link (man ln) where the jdk was put to where eclips actually wants it.

Try what Interim said first thought
i''ll give i a try, thx a lot guys :D

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