
Publicizing a forum

Started by August 21, 2003 05:14 AM
6 comments, last by Reiken 21 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I know this isn''t exactly a ''game-programming'' topic, but I thought anyone who goes to this forum might be able to help. Anyway, I have this organisation called Arkrillium that me and this other guy called Pete co-founded in 2001. I have recently been developing some very cool PHP components one of which is a forum. My code is good, I have made sure of that, there''s nothing but the bare essentials. But, I want to make this forum a place where people can just chat in general about programming and scripting, not like a help forum or anything. So my question to everyone that reads this is; what do you want in a forum? and secondly; how on earth would I go on about advertising it? Pete suggested that I advertise on other forums, ethically is that ok? It''s just I don''t want to annoy anyone. I would appreciate any help,

Pete suggested that I advertise on other forums, ethically is that ok? It''s just I don''t want to annoy anyone. I would appreciate any help.

Unsolicited advertisment is usually regarded as spam, and as the FAQ states: "Spam will be deleted as soon as we see it, so don''t waste your time and ours."

Most forum owner don''t like their platform abused by others to advertise themselves. The only ''right'' way would be to use banners, which is supported by GameDev. If you''d advertise with GameDev without paying them you''d use their (payed for) bandwidth to your advantage.
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
On the other hand, the Your Announcements forum description:

Make your web site or game project known to everyone. If you''re going to spam our board, this is the place to do it!

A banner ad would help GDNet, so you could give it some consideration, but you can also post in the Your Announcements.
in other words, OpenGL forum here, spam on the ANNOUNCEMENTS FORUM...
but I don''t care as long as it is opengl related..
Game Core
Ok, So I can post the opening of the Arkrillium forum in the anouncements? And as for this advertising idea, are you sure that gamedeve would let me advertise for free? Anyway, who would I speak to to find out more about advertising?
Thanks for your help.

>> Reiken
Advertising isn''t free...
No, advertising (via banners) is not free. Posting in the ''Your Announcements''-forum is.

Take a look at the top right of the page "Click here to advertise with us". This is your link if you want banners. I postet the link in my first reply btw...
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
Yeah, sorry that was my fault, I loaded the reply into notepad. When I finish it I''ll post a message in the anouncements section, I you want to you could check it out at some stage, of course I''ll include a URL but I am currently in the process of changing hosts (so I can use PHP) so I''ll get back to you on that one. But I really appreciate the help.

>> Reiken Chan

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