
Moving on soon; searching for replacement

Started by August 20, 2003 11:43 AM
27 comments, last by Oluseyi 21 years ago
My interests are shifting and I''ve decided that it''s time for me to move on. I may still occasionally visit GameDev once I do move on, but not frequently enough to warrant remaining a moderator of any sort. As a result, I want to canvass opinions for a replacement moderator for this forum from the people who frequent it the most. I''d like to say that moderating this forum has been an extremely enjoyable experience, completely lacking the problems and difficulties of other boards on this site. Discussion is relevant, on-topic and very courteous and I often have to do no more than scan thread titles once every few days. I appreciate it, especially given the contentious nature of many other Unix-related boards across the ''net. So, the floor is open. Please state whom you wish to nominate along with one or two justifications. At week''s end I will close this thread, sift through the nominations and forward the top 3, in my estimation, to Dave (who is not aware I''m doing this, actually; he is aware I want to move on, though). Thanks.
Oh man, you are the best moderator on the board

I second Vic''s opinion. You are quite possibly the best moderator here. But anyway...

I nominate Null and Void. He''s quite possibly one of the most knowledgeable persons on this forum (not to mention among the most helpful), so he''s got my vote.

The Artist Formerly Known as CmndrM

Timothy Barnes | War Charity | 2003.
I nominate mindwipe. He''s got uber ASM skillz.

Timothy Barnes | War Charity | 2003.
quote: Original post by nes8bit

I second nes8bit''s nomination. He already has previous experience as moderator of this forum, making him the ideal choice.
End Of Discussion.
quote: Original post by Mirgatroid

He already moderates the horse forum, the only forum with less posts than Andrew Russells Music and Sound
quote: Original post by Michalson
quote: Original post by Mirgatroid

He already moderates the horse forum, the only forum with less posts than Andrew Russells Music and Sound

what about the nexe forum? :D
End Of Discussion.
Yes, Null and Void would probably make a pretty good moderator.

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