
DOS graphics mode linker question

Started by August 15, 2003 02:47 PM
-1 comments, last by nold 21 years, 6 months ago
Hello, I tried to compile a DOS application in graphics mode(screen divided by pixels not characters)and got linker errors. Here is the code: #include <dos.h> #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { int gdriver = DETECT; int gmode = IBM8514LO; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); putpixel(0, 0, 0); getch(); closegraph(); return 0; } Now, here is the errors: Undefined Symbol _closegraph in module dos.cpp Undefined Symbol _initgraph in module dos.cpp Undefined Symbol _putpixel in module dos.cpp Please help, I would GREATLY appreciate it.

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