
Depth Test for Points

Started by August 14, 2003 05:19 AM
0 comments, last by Lyve 21 years, 6 months ago
Hello members, does anyone know if it is possible to disable the depth test for points for every pixel to save time? Actually I''m rendering points with a point size > 1 and the depth test isn''t done for every point (one operation for each point), it is done for every pixel (e.g. 16 operations for a point size of 4). Many thanks for help Lyve
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I am not sure what exactly you mean but, you can use glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) to turn it off. Use that before the code that draws the things that you want drawn without the depth test. Then after that, use the glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) to turn it back on.
----------------------------------------------------"Plant a tree. Remove a Bush" -A bumper sticker I saw.

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