Quick FPS test
Back again, with another demo for people to try out. I'm mainly interested in how well it's running for people so I can gauge how much time to spend up detailing/optimizing. Also need to see what people think of how it looks so far. It's going to be sort of a horror FPS, so I'm shooting for a dark, lonely feel (corpses and blood stains not done yet :D).
Something that can extract Rar files
Get it here (hope the bandwidth holds out):
Please respond with:
Whether it worked (ha!).
Was the load time brutal or alright? (very slow loading right now I haven't switched to a binary model format yet)
The FPS you got with the visor effect on and off (click mouse).
Whether it was too dark/light.
What you think of it in general, what was the mood walking around?
Known Issues:
Long load times
Movement around corners of objects is very jerky, trying to figure out cylinder collision by myself and I'm not quite there yet
Visor off has a grid over the screen
MSN: nmaster42@hotmail.com, AIM: LockePick42, ICQ: 74128155
"It's all part of the conspiracy of conspirators conspiring to conspire their own conspiracies..."
[edited by - LockePick on August 13, 2003 5:06:16 PM]
[edited by - LockePick on August 13, 2003 7:42:42 PM]

_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
I get a message dialog saying "display mode not compatible", then the screen goes grey for a few seconds before returning to windows (loading I assume since the log files show models and TGAs where loaded).
Athlon 2500+ on A7N8X-dx with 1GB DDR333
AiW Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB (Catalyst 3.4)
Windows 2000 SP3
Athlon 2500+ on A7N8X-dx with 1GB DDR333
AiW Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB (Catalyst 3.4)
Windows 2000 SP3
sorry bud but on my TNT 2 550 mhz pentium 3 windows 98 comp it was 1. So dark I could not see anything save for a very dim light and 2. the load times were pretty bad but then again I''m used to it and 550 mhz just isn''t the standard for speed anymore =)
My fellow Americans I have just signed legislation that outlaws Russia forever. Bombing will commence in five minutes.
Ack I forgot to change the resolution. Sorry for the inconvenience, the link now points to a file that'll run in 800x600 (it's also a bit brighter than the last one).
[edited by - LockePick on August 13, 2003 5:08:11 PM]
[edited by - LockePick on August 13, 2003 5:08:11 PM]
_______________________________________Pixelante Game Studios - Fowl Language
average 700 fps
readeon 9700 128MB ram
athlon xp 2800
512 ram
It was still too dark though. And I had this grid, in front all the time!
readeon 9700 128MB ram
athlon xp 2800
512 ram
It was still too dark though. And I had this grid, in front all the time!
I was gonna try it until i realized I needed rar...compression utilities are much too bloated- someone needs to make an open-source all-in-one compression utility!
Brian J
Yes, it would be nice if it was zipped instead, rar requires that one use non-prefered applications.
The new test versions runs alright. Very dark, and the dark areas at the edge are annoying (human vision is normally peripheral aka widescreen). I also saw the grid lines when not in visor mode.
Running with my normal prefs (which force apps to use 6X Anti-Aliasing and 16X Anisotropic Filtering) I got between 300fps and 600fps depending on if I walked into the next room (difference between 2 rooms and 1 room visible). With my force preferences off it was 300fps faster (600-900fps), and with the visor off it was around 1000-1250fps.
The new test versions runs alright. Very dark, and the dark areas at the edge are annoying (human vision is normally peripheral aka widescreen). I also saw the grid lines when not in visor mode.
Running with my normal prefs (which force apps to use 6X Anti-Aliasing and 16X Anisotropic Filtering) I got between 300fps and 600fps depending on if I walked into the next room (difference between 2 rooms and 1 room visible). With my force preferences off it was 300fps faster (600-900fps), and with the visor off it was around 1000-1250fps.
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