Demo timing
Hello all.
I guess this is abit of topic since it''s not exacly related to OpenGl programming, but I know some of the people here ar good demo programmers so please bare with me.
Is there a good tutorial or article on timing in demos? How do you deside when to go from one effect to another? And how do you move around in a scene, triggering different actions on differen places?
I''d say scene layout is not computer/demo specific at all. A good demo is just like a good movie. It has a good script and knows how to keep people interested. Sure, there''s a few ''technology only'' one''s out there, but they''re usually boring. Unless you want to go and study making films (as a director), you could for example watch films/other demos and see how they do it. Otherwise I''d say it''s a lot of practice, art-skill, being inventive/creative.
As for the triggering of events, I think once you figured out what''s going to happen when, it should be pretty easy. All you should need is a timer that keeps track of how many time has passed and something like a ''if time==x do action y'' list.
As for the triggering of events, I think once you figured out what''s going to happen when, it should be pretty easy. All you should need is a timer that keeps track of how many time has passed and something like a ''if time==x do action y'' list.
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
There''s an article about this at Be sure to check out the comments, where lots of alternatives are discussed (in fact, the comments may well be more useful than the article
, especially those from Memon/Moppi).

Thanks, that was some fast replys.
One more question. When you move the camera around in a scene, Do you have a path to follow or just hardcoded points too move the camera to? Didn''t one of the now removed game tutorials cover this? or did I see it somewhere else?
One more question. When you move the camera around in a scene, Do you have a path to follow or just hardcoded points too move the camera to? Didn''t one of the now removed game tutorials cover this? or did I see it somewhere else?
You''ll always need some kind of points where you move your camera to. What really matters is how you move from point to point. In a linear fashion, bezier curves etc...
Since you''ll most likely want smooth camera movement, I''d look into quaternions for example. One of the tutorials on GameDev used to tell how to do interpolated camera movement with those.
As for hardcoding the points... rather put them in some kind of resource file. Should make your engine more reusable...
Since you''ll most likely want smooth camera movement, I''d look into quaternions for example. One of the tutorials on GameDev used to tell how to do interpolated camera movement with those.
As for hardcoding the points... rather put them in some kind of resource file. Should make your engine more reusable...
How do I set my laser printer on stun?
Thx a lot for the Article-Link, especially the method with callbacks is very fine
- Beginner with OpenGL from Bavaria -
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[edited by - lizardking on August 12, 2003 6:07:45 AM]

- Beginner with OpenGL from Bavaria -
#bummser @
[edited by - lizardking on August 12, 2003 6:07:45 AM]
- Beginner with OpenGL from Bavaria -CS-Clan: @
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