
Music in opengl??

Started by August 07, 2003 06:56 PM
5 comments, last by Quino 21 years, 6 months ago
Hey is it possible to play music tracks in opengl? If so could someone direct me to a tutorial, or show some source? Also, I heard about an mp3 library, i dno if it exists or how to use/find it if it does, and any info on this would be nice to have. I need to find out how to do this, cause i was so busy making songs in fruityloops, that i forgot i didnt know how to add them into c++! If possible, it would be nice to know how to use midi, wav or mp3's, well, thanx [edited by - Quino on August 7, 2003 7:56:47 PM]
Yay opengl! im on me way to maybe making a REAL bad mario kart knock off! ACE!
No, its not possible to play music in OpenGL. The "GL" in OpenGL stands for Graphics Library.
---I write code.DelphiGL (
If you want to play around with sound and stick with the ''Open'' theme, look into OpenAL (Open Audio Libary). It has a similar C style interface as OpenGL. I''m not sure on all details, but its worth looking into it. Theres always DirectX''s Direct Sound though.

-J or something should have a nice library you could use. Very easy to handle

Petter Nordlander

"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. The who understand binary and those who don''t"
----------------------------------------------Petter Nordlander"There are only 10 kinds of people in the world. They who understand binary and those who do not"
Well, you could display music in openGL in the form of waves. Take wave data and create a function of samples over time to draw it on the screen. Dunno about a tutorial on that tho.
-solo (my site)
i would also recommend using openAL ''cause well it''s api which supports playing music, 3D sound effects (simply by mapping a soundobject to a gl-object like a triangle) and o yeah its free and jedi knight 2 sound pretty nice doesn''t it?
Yes, OpenAL is a really good API.
It''s like OpenGL just for sound. Visit for more information. Here are some tutorials:


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"If it looks like computer graphics, it is bad computer graphics"

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