Hi guys

First off... tried searching the forums all morning for answers cus thats how I usually find all the info I ever need, but search not working for me today

So I thought I would ask

I''m making a speedball type game, and have came up to a few maths problems I need help with, cus I suck at maths

The following screenshot is from my game so far... the boxes are the players and will be replaced with 3d models soon

My 2 problems are:
1) The blue box with the yellow circle around it is the currenctly active player, and the red boxes are the computer players. How do I work out the ANGLE between 2 points? I,e so I can work out the angle all the computer players should turn so they are facing the blue (human) player. Obviously the players are always moving and can be in different positions, so im looking for some kind of formula I guess?

2) How do I find the DISTANCE between 2 points? I.e so I can figure out the closest player to the ball (current player). Again im asuming I need a formula

Thanks for any help at all you guys can give me, and I''ll continue to dig around and keep trying the search until it starts working again

I''ll let u know if I solve them first

Thanks again,