
Who has Lightwave?

Started by July 28, 2003 06:22 PM
1 comment, last by Steelrose 21 years, 7 months ago
I''ve been working on a program to convert Lightwave objects directly to openGL. It''s working right now with GL lists, and I''m working on getting vertex arrays working (kinda hard since I''m working blind on this, almost done though). I was wondering how many people work with Lightwave so I can decide on if it''s worth posting or not. For those who don''t know, Lightwave is an extreamly powerful modeling and rendering tool. I have read in forums on the past problems with it but I think the latest version has most everything fixed. It''s not cheap either, got my copy from a friend who quit using it when he changed jobs. I wouldn''t mind posting it for everyone to use but if there isn''t anyone using LW then I don''t see a point in posting it.
Dreams arn't just dreams, They're a whole new world to play in.
It''s not cheap, but there can never be any harm in posting code you''ve written. Even for us who haven''t worked with Lightwave, it can be interesting to read the code and begin learning the API or conventions for later on.
I''ll see what I can do. I''ll most likly be posting many versions of this program as I get more functions to work.

Still I''d like to know who uses LW, just for the sake of wondering.
Dreams arn't just dreams, They're a whole new world to play in.

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