
Character - World interaction.

Started by July 26, 2003 07:20 PM
1 comment, last by Lukerd 21 years, 7 months ago
Hey Guys, I have a question of curiosity really. In games such as tomb raider and sonic adventure the characters slide on ropes, poles and grind down objects in the world, im just wondering how they do this? I mean, I know how to check that the character collides with the object, but how would I go about making the character follow the objects path? Also how do games like tomb raider manage the falling off a ledge and grabbing it to prevent certain doom manuvour? It seems like pretty advanced stuff, is it? Hyperdev
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
"To err is human, to really mess up requires a computer"
Well, I suppose it''s simple collision detection, then manipulation of the character..kinda like

if (lara touches rope)
then (slide her polygons down a set ''rope'' path)

For grabbing a ledge or summat then I guess it just checks for only her hands/arms colliding with a vertex of the ledge.
Like Squalion said, except, I think that they move the rope according to the character, and only move the char according to a set rules

when char meets rope
loop until player lets go
effect rope where char is
move char

of course i could be way off, i haven''t gotten that advanced yet

but for the "certain doom" gizmo

if(character is past a cliff)
if(!chara.facing(cliff.facing)) //continue if chara is facing away from cliff (tho in reality, other way around cuz faster)
chara.turn180(); //if its a tomb-raider type game ... gotta have this
chara.grabCliff(); //the anim to grab the cliff

/* actually I would do something like this
* chara.mixEffect(chara.turn180(), chara.grabCliff());
else //hopefully facing the cliff
//same thing as above minus the turn180

btw - thts c++ ... not the slightest clue for c

-"watch out for the flying bullets!"

-"Its not the birds but the bees that I''m worried about"
-"watch out for the flying bullets!"-"Its not the birds but the bees that I'm worried about"

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