
Texture size

Started by July 25, 2003 05:41 AM
1 comment, last by GamerSg 21 years, 7 months ago
Somewhere i have read that the minimum texture size supported by any OpenGL implementation should be 256X256. However, what will happen if i use say a 1024X1024 texture in an application? What will happen if the hardware does not support this size?Will the application even run? Or will it process the texture in software mode,at a slower rate? I realise that texture switching is slow and for some objects, 256X256 produces pixelated results. Also it would be cool if someone could give me an idea of what cards support what texture sizes. [edited by - GamerSg on July 25, 2003 6:42:34 AM]
Anything from a TNT up will run 1024x1024 textures I beleive. Most cards will support it, and if not, what some companies did (3dfx did anyways) is if their cards didn''t support it natively, they broke it up into smaller texture in the drivers, and did the texturemapping using multiple smaller textures.
The Voodoo3 just shows a white texture for anything above 256x256 so that''s the max for probably most voodoo cards. You could just go with whatever resolution you feel is right, and then just resample additional textures at 256x256 for compatability.

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