
uh oh!

Started by July 24, 2003 03:44 PM
1 comment, last by TheProx 21 years, 7 months ago
when you turn on bakface culling, does it figure out the dir its facing based on normals, or the direction it was drawn?
NARF - Pinky and the Brain
Both...the normal is defined as being toward the viewer when going round the vertices anti-clockwise. i.e. if you are looking at a triangle and draw the points anti-clockwise, the normal is facing toward you and therefore the face you see is defined as the front. Therefore if you draw the points in clockwise order (as you see the poly) you are looking at the back, which would be culled if backspace culling is enabled.
The backface culling that the hardware does just use the winding order of the vertices to determine visibility. You can change the front face winding order to what you like it to be ( Counter clockwise, or clockwise ).

Death of one is a tragedy, death of a million is just a statistic.

[edited by - python_regious on July 24, 2003 7:58:32 PM]

[edited by - python_regious on July 24, 2003 7:58:46 PM]
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.

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