
Shatter effect and general questions

Started by July 23, 2003 12:31 AM
1 comment, last by Quino 21 years, 7 months ago
Hey all, i have sum questions not in the tutorials, i just zipped thru the descriptions, so i mighta missed it, and im on the 32nd tutorial, so i have an alright understanding of opengl, but not quite what i hoped, oh well. here is a few questions for you smarter then me people here goes: im wondering whats the closest program to ms paint and paintshop pro mixed, like, to draw pixel by pixel, but still have cool effects? Also, how can i create a shatter effect? that would be cool, but not as important to know. i could make a shape out of a bunch of triangles, but that would be super time consuming. how can i create an animation like translate sumthin super slow across the screen? a for loop? like, for(cubeXcoord<10, cubeXcoord+=0.1); or sumthin? how can i shrink an image to fit any size of quad, so lie, i can put an image in to a program and it not have the ugly rest of the colors of the shape it is textured onto, would i just put it in like an image like they did in the tutorial for multi textures? Second last!!!! how can i creat a circle/sphere??? LAST ONE YIPEE! haha still wondering this one, how can i load images from an animation sequence bmp? cuz that would help super lotsly much like BAM! id be happy like that, and be tempted to eat a cake in your favour. Thankx you guys, even if people read this, ill be happy, cause then i can resume making the actual code for my game, and you guys here can be sure youll be the first to play the demo! Im making it sorta like legend of mana(the third greatest game ever!) so i can learn 2d and have a better understanding of 3d, by working on multiple axis's. i made a mario game that your a square, but im ashamed of it. but it helped. well long enough message you think? haha well thanx all, c ya, i dno what else to say but bye Sorry, last thing!! What would be the best program to make music in??? [edited by - quino on July 23, 2003 1:53:04 AM]
Yay opengl! im on me way to maybe making a REAL bad mario kart knock off! ACE!
Okay , here goes:

1. I find PSP zoomed in hard with a 1 pixel brush is fine for me, but what do I know, I'm no artist.

2. Not sure, presuming you mean a texture mapped onto a quad you could use many triangles to represent the quad (triangles render better than quads r.e. gfx cards), then animate them at your leisure.

3. You can either make a frame limited message pump Clicky, or find how much time has passed since your last frame when you render and adjust a multiplier to compensate Clicky ; don't use a for loop, as it won't work.

4. Make sure your texture co-ordinates are correct (ie: bottom-left=0.0,0.0, top-right=1.0,1.0) when you call glTexCoord.

5. Try quadratics with gluDisk/gluSphere, or make your own functions.

6. I'm not quite sure what you mean here, if you mean a bitmap containing multiple images (like frames of a sprite), use glTexCoord to 'chop' up the pieces of the bitmap onto triangles/quads; try NeHes tutorial #17 (specifically the BuildFont function) for more info. Make sure the cake is chocolate, as I'm on a diet =)~

"i made a mario game that your a square, but im ashamed of it." LOL



[edited by - eSCHEn on July 23, 2003 2:13:13 AM]
Darren Clark
Haha! Thanx!
That helps, it put me more on track, but leaves still some mysteries. And what i mean about an animation sequence, is like go download little fighter 2, it gives you a character template you can edit, so you can make you own and it loads them correctly into the game, but i wanna load them into my game the same way, cause it would provide my witha super helpfull template!(sorry, no link )
Yay opengl! im on me way to maybe making a REAL bad mario kart knock off! ACE!

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