So much to little time
Sorry to skip so many posts but just wanted to comment on rpg as a genre.
To me...I think rpg is more a genre of people than a genre of games. I can see a rpg in any game. I can play Doom and give myself certain traits that I myself don''t possess. I can play a nasty backstabber, I can play a coward (ok, that''s a LITTLE bit like myself), I can play a fool, I can...I can.
I can roleplay in RTS as well. But maybe I do that because I''m so bad at those games
I can even roleplay in life.
Computer rpgs are usually nothing more than a large collection of hack''n''slash moments, mixed with the item-gathering that still reminds me of Mario Brothers (if you see magical weapons as power-ups...).
Sure, ''rpgs'' have spells (just a different type of power-up) and you can choose where you go...but I still can''t cut down trees, I can''t cut into rock, I can''t talk to NPC''s and have a lasting relationship with them.
And sure, I can TRY to roleplay, but in the end roleplaying in a rpg game usually makes you into a very lonely player as all your friends keep outdistancing you (the hunt for power is fast and furious).
Maybe technology is just not up to par yet to create a well-made ''rpg'' that allows for a lot of roleplaying. Maybe soon...maybe never. Maybe someone is already designing it (let me know, I want to test it
If we just stop seeing rpg as ''roleplaying game'' but instead as ''a game where it''s a little easier to roleplay than in other games'', we''ll finally stop getting annoyed at not finding satisfaction in our computer games.
The day that I can finally play my Ventriloquist/Illusionist WITH my schizo puppet...I hope I''ll be strong and resist the urge to plug the computer straight into my brain.
You either believe that within your society more individuals are good than evil, and that by protecting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible, or you believe that within your society more individuals are evil than good, and that by limiting the freedom of individuals within that society you will end up with a society that is as fair as possible.