
some advise on learning MFC

Started by July 17, 2003 01:26 PM
9 comments, last by spetnaz_ 21 years, 7 months ago
hay, iam getting Visual in a weeks time and i basicly only make DX stuff (well read a book => play with code from book => create crap code that i loose intrest in the code after 4 days => back to start)and i really want to make some stuff like a word editor or some kind of a start menu sytem for my DX demos and i basicly want to learn MFC. Does any one know of a book which will be under 700 pages about MFC7 (the latest version that come with VC++.NET)? oh and does VC++.NET come with MSDN or is it just the VISUAL STUDIO that comes with MSDN, i dont know coz i have pirate VS6 enterprise which does have MSDN, try it, its not too bad.
I would seriously recommed starting with MSDN''s scribble tutorial, especially if you''re a total newcomer - it does a good job of explaining the doc-view stuff and it''s FREE. After that, I found particularly helpful the book "The MFC Answer Book" by Eugene Kain.

I haven''t read but have heard good things about "Windows Programming with MFC" by Jeff Prosise and "1001 MFC tricks".

After that, it''s a matter of just practice, experience, and reading the help file to get a handle on things - plan on it taking a long, long, time!

I would also recommend - great MFC site.

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could u plz tell me how to get MSDN''s scribble tutorial. keep in mind i never really used the msdn site and never the cd as i dont have it, coz my VS6 is a pirate copy, try it, its not too bad.
Smooth move ^_^

wat was smooth?, try it, its not too bad.
anyway, download the APRIL 2003 MSDN library and install it after VS. net

April 2003 MSDN library

[edited by - BGCJR on July 17, 2003 10:12:52 PM]
Game Core
so that is basicly MSDN cd, iam actually buying, my VC++6 is pirateted, so will MSDN cd come with my standard, try it, its not too bad.
Original post by spetnaz_
so that is basicly MSDN cd, iam actually buying, my VC++6 is pirateted, so will MSDN cd come with my standard

I think Ced1 was refering to you openly saying your VS6 is a pirated version.

Anyways, I don''t know of any book but you might want to try or go here and look at some ''examples''/''tutorials'' about MFC

Oh wow, MS actually put the MSDN images back up for download. They took them down for a while there.
VS .net or VS .net 2003?
I downloaded my VS. net 2003 from MSDN.
So, I''m not sure which version comes with VS .net 2003.
But a version of MSDN should be included on some CDS.
Game Core

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