

Started by July 17, 2003 04:40 AM
8 comments, last by snow21 21 years, 7 months ago
Hi there! I''ve got a problem. I tried to create a timeline and the belonging buttons (play, stop, ...) and failed. I looked for code examples and tutorials but couldn''t find any. Can anybody help me and give me some examples or tutorials? Thanx.
By a time line do you mean:

At this time: draw this..

where the play just simply advances though the time line and stop pauses it?
What is a timeline?

Previously "Krohm"

@ skow

That''s what I mean. I tried to create a timeline like in Quick Time or Windows Media Player.
well iam not a code guru but wat is it exactly u wat to do with your play/stop buttonslay mp3s, movs...coz if u r there should be no problems will using directsound and directshow, u can find docs on that in the dx sdk documentation.

how is it exactly u failed?, try it, its not too bad.
With the play and stop buttons, I want to run and pause 3D-Models.

It''s not very easy to explain how I failed. I tried to create a timeline with opengl but it didn''t work. I looked for documentation but didn''t find any.
And for me it''s not that easy, because I haven''t worked with dx before. So if there exists another possibility to solve my problem I would be very relieved.
Just make a counter (the counter can advance with frames or time).

Then simply make counter based movement. When pause/stop is hit stop the call the incriments the counter (again by time or frames).

Is this what your looking for?

I want that you can see a timeline and that you also can move through the animation by the timeline.
Ahh thats easy, so im assuming this timeline will be a set length.

Where ever you want to see the progress bar draw a quad (in ortho) where its x size is depenent on this counter i was talking about.

For being able to move down the timeline... Just do some 2d detection where the mouse clicks/drags to to on the progress bar. Then you set the counter to the proper time. You can calculate this by (total counter time * ( x_value_clicked / total_possible_x_value)). Then your 3d movement is based on the counter so it will be at the right place when you change the timer.

[edited by - skow on July 18, 2003 4:47:25 PM]
Thanx a lot!

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