
pricing reasearch - questions

Started by July 16, 2003 08:57 AM
0 comments, last by netanator 21 years, 4 months ago
Can someone give me some insight into the prices charged by publishers/developers for the use of their web-based game ( applets or Flash/Shockwave ) by another web site? If that question seems kind of obscure, I am referring to the relationship between, for example, Yahoo and the provider of an individual game. Another good example is and I have seen several of popcap''s games at My question would be does the portal ( yahoo or myway ) pay to provide those games to their visitors? If so, does anyone have an idea of how much they may pay? I am sure there is a number of ways this may work and what kind of things may actually constitute compensation. If anyone could provide some info it would really be appreciated. Thanks, Jim
A lot of times nothing...atleast not upfront.

Many sites put those games up and offer reselling of it. So you buy Bookworm from, MyWay gets a % of the sale.

Im not sure alot of sites actually pay upfront for a webgame.


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