
Bot's name and his very special tactics

Started by July 15, 2003 11:29 AM
56 comments, last by T2k 21 years, 2 months ago
lets fill up this new and wonderfull forum with stupid botnames , we can prevent name-collision''s and we will get an idea of how many ppl will be participating (we will also see how much work khawk will have) Name: "Hexagon" VST: "Using all his free CPU-Time to confuse the enemy" AI-Experience: None ps: is there a limit in botname length? pps: u can bid all ur money on the enemy :D T2k
Name: "Foobar"
Tactics: As soon as it has located its ennemy, will throw randomly all its stock of grenades, and flee like a corward in an arena corner behind a tree, hopping to not get seen by its opponent. Will hara-kiri if ennemy not dead.
AI-Experience: Quite a lot, but i never succeeded to make something 100% work

Name: "Sleepybot"

Tactics: Making the enemy think it is sleeping by aimlessly roaming around, oblivious of its surroundings, before unleashing its arsenal.

AI Experience: None
Name: "PotBot"

Tactics: Offering the opponent bot a joint, and taking him out while he is stoned saying "peace man"
AI Experience: None

_________ Evious Ltd.
Name: Bojangles aka BJNGLS
Tactics: Strafe and Backpedal. If enemy gets too close, run in random directions, hoping to confuse the enemy.
Favorite Weapon: Grenades
AI Experience: I programmed the opponent paddle on my Pong game.

"Donkey, if it were me, you''d be dead."
I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
"Donkey, if it were me, you'd be dead."I cna ytpe 300 wrods pre mniute.
You can use a hex or binary editor to change the name of the TestPlayer bot.

Search for "Kevin" and change it to some other 5 letter name.
"The Unstoppable Juggernaut"
Don''t have a name or general tactic other than hiding yet, but wondered what people''s views are about sharing their tactics? One one hand it makes your design less secret but on the other you get to hear of way more ideas which''d make the overall skill level higher - wouldn''t affect the top guys but the rest of us would probably get substantially better results! Also the chance of someone specifically designing their bot against specific tactics makes it less suited against other tactics so I''d argue giving away you thoughts (not your actual code) doesn''t hurt you much. Although if the enemy can see your bot''s name, this thread could be used to base tactics on who you''re fighting - I think I''ll keep my bot''s monicker hush-hush
Here are some of the bot names I was mulling over. I hope you'll recognize their familiarity.

Name: AimBot
Tactics: Always hits its target regardless of how well the target is evading.

Name: WallHacker
Tactics: Makes full use of its god-given ability to see and shoot through walls.

Name: HappyCamper
Tactics: Likes to find a nice corner to pitch a tent, build a fire, and camp with a nice AWP sniping rifle in its lap.

Name: GhostKnifer
Tactics: Waits to be killed, and after it has died, continues to attack you with a knife. Cannot be destroyed once in the ghost state.

Name: PistonCamper
Tactics: PistonCamper likes to piss people off by camping all of the spawn points and teleporters with a piston. Then, when you finally take the difficult route of sneaking up behind it with the portable teleporter, it pulls out a rocket launcher and frags your ass to high-kingdom come.

Name: NadeCheater
Tactics: Has a bottomless sack full of grenades. This bot loves tossing two or three nades at you at once.

Name: TeamKiller
Tactics: Targets its own teammates. When told to stop, it annoyingly calls you "racist" and "a f4g0t".

Name: MoneyHacker
Tactics: This bot thinks money grows on trees. In fact, for the bot, it does! This bot will be fully equipped with everything, and will be firing at you with an M4 from a brand new Ferrari.

After all of that, me and my partner decided upon the following:

Name: MindRomper
Tactics: All of the above tactics.

- CodeDemon

P.S. I had to add PistonCamper and fix a spelling mistake!

[edited by - CodeDemon on July 15, 2003 3:26:10 PM]
name: cpn_mid
tactics: thinks really hard about the best way to take out the enemy, but gets killed before finding a solution.

Pain is the fire that tempers the soul. It is the feeling of fear leaving the body.
The Cutter Project|My Junk|Association of Computing Machinery

[Formerly "capn_midnight". See some of my projects. Find me on twitter tumblr G+ Github.]

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