
Linux just auto configured my shared internet connection...

Started by July 14, 2003 09:19 PM
18 comments, last by cowsarenotevil 21 years, 2 months ago
When I spent about five hors trying to make it work on windows without it showing eny signs of wanting to cooperate. Linux is magic I tell you.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~- I was the origionator of those "If you see the image I am online" thingies. All others that you may see are entirely unaffiliated and unsponsered by me. GSACP : GameDev Society Against Crap Posting To join: Put these (pink) lines in your signature and don''t post crap! Check out
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
hold up...

"Linux" is a very generic term.

Linux doesn''t auto-detect anything like that, the Linux distribution provides those capabilities.

Slackware 9 (one of the best distros, imho) doesn''t "auto-detect" network settings, and personally, i don''t want it to.

ifconfig and iptables are your friends

l33t hax0r?
=-=l33t hax0r?
Yeah I spent like 2 days with slackware trying to set up my network...let''s face it- while microsoft''s marketing may be evil, windows is a well-designed piece of software...and it has taken over the world

Brian J
DL Vacuum - A media file organizer I made | Mumbling Miles - A band I was the guitarist/vocalist for
Brian J
wtf kind of network do you have?

If you can''t use ifconfig, do (in slackware):

# netconfig

follow the little guidelines, and configure your network.. just as easy (if not easier) than windows..

(Sorry for being .. yea..)
=-=l33t hax0r?
Windows XP makes wireless networking impossible. Whereas with Redhat 9 (thats what I was using) I plugged in the network card and it worked. How anyone can say the reverse is beyond me.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
No, it was my card that took the longest...but I include that in network. I had to recompile the kernel to get the driver working...and I had never done that before...then config took like 2 hours to get working. Im not saying I love windows, I just think people hate it for no good reason.

Brian J
DL Vacuum - A media file organizer I made | Mumbling Miles - A band I was the guitarist/vocalist for
Brian J
Wireless networking impossible??? I plugged my G-band linksys card in out of the box and it picked up the access point and I was on immediately! Compared to 98, where I had to conf stuff, XP did it automatically Maybe your hardware is bad.
Brian J
Redhat 9 is a good choice.. it is a perfect blend of "i''ll do it for you" and "do it yourself"

and windows... windows is just BORING... it is a nice OS, sure, but once you install it, there''s nothing you can MESS with

I want to be able to screw around with the internal''s of my OS.. What can I do in Windows? Well I can install a few games, surf the web, program cool stuff (oh wait, Visual C++ 6 != good)..

Linux? Linux provides all kinds of challenges (yes, challenges, not problems).. If you think of configuring hardware as a bunch of little challenges, you can keep yourself occupied in Linux for a long time..

For example, my laptop (Compaq Presario 2800) has a effed up ACPI BIOS that I had to research and fix practically on my own to see battery status.. It has a winmodem that i had to find drivers for and configure.. It has both a USB mouse and a touchpad that i want both to work at the same time, but there were quirks.. It has Infrared.. it has PCMCIA.. All these things require a little bit of work and possibly some frustration.. But it''s all satisfaction in the end..

If you are weak-stomached.. sure, "subscribe" to windows.. I say subscribe because you are on a bi-yearly subscription of $100+ bucks a pop.. Of course you can pirate it, but it is very nice knowing that you are running a totally legal, totally free OS, that you can muck around with all you want.


So ends my two cents.

l33t hax0r?
=-=l33t hax0r?
quote: Original post by cowsarenotevil
Windows XP makes wireless networking impossible. Whereas with Redhat 9 (thats what I was using) I plugged in the network card and it worked. How anyone can say the reverse is beyond me.

Sounds like you have a serious lack of experience and/or bad hardware/network software. I''ve installed 4 wireless networks this summer for various people all using XP. Every single install went flawlessly except for one person who bought a Microsoft router. The Microsoft router had to have a flash rom update, and it took me nearly an entire day to realize it wasn''t my fault. But what can I say, I should have looked up tech support on the router at Microsofts webpage when the typical hook in, install software and run route didn''t work.

I can''t compare for Linux as I have never personally installed wireless networks under Linux, though my roommate last year actually did. He spent about 2 days setting up a basic wireless network under Caldera. The process looked vaguely reminescent of the good ole days of DOS editting config.sys until everything finally was able to run.

one more thing

l33t hax0r?
=-=l33t hax0r?

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