
Object picking Kills framerate?

Started by July 12, 2003 11:29 PM
31 comments, last by skow 21 years, 7 months ago
Well what if i want to do Mouseover effects? It wont be rendering an additional frame when you click but instead whenever you move your mouse. Since most games which require a mouse will require you to move your mouse all the time, fps would be halved.

I am not trying to say that your method is wrong or not good, as i have never really used the mouse in the few OpenGL apps i have made, so i might be wrong.Compared to most of the ppl on these forums, i''m a noob.

And is GL_SELECT really that slow?
Well to solve the problem i got it working using just hte green and blue components, dont know why red wont detect at some angles.

GL_SELECT is that bad, If your doing mouse over effects that require a detection every frame....then i dont think perpixel slection is what you want to do. Line sphere detection is probably what you would want to do, its very fast and wont reduce the framerate.
Original post by GamerSg
Well what if i want to do Mouseover effects? It wont be rendering an additional frame when you click but instead whenever you move your mouse. Since most games which require a mouse will require you to move your mouse all the time, fps would be halved.

I am not trying to say that your method is wrong or not good, as i have never really used the mouse in the few OpenGL apps i have made, so i might be wrong.Compared to most of the ppl on these forums, i''m a noob.

And is GL_SELECT really that slow?

nope, but it technically is EXACTLY the same as i suggested here..

remember, you only need to render a 1x1 click-image!! that does not hurt much..

GL_SELECT switches to software rendering to render that 1x1 click image.. yes, that is slower!

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