Original post by Zao Martyr
"most lawsuits filed against"
They can bring the lawsuits. This country was founded upon freedom. Freedom to do what one chooses, create what one decides, and spread his ideas freely. It would seem that you always hear of videogame companies being sued, and so, videogames are the media''s scapegoat, despite the movies like Scarface, The Godfather, and all those other crime-related movies. Not to mention the ones like The Terminator, where an entire Police Station is slaughtered. This is probably because mostly kids play videogames, when they are the most impressionable. But it clearly says on games like this, that they are recommended for 17+, and thus it''s the parents responsibility to decide whether or not their child is straight in the head. I hate it when entertainment is blamed and brought down when some kid takes it too seriously. Kinda like when that one kid listened to Ozzy''s "Suicide Solution" for 17 hours straight, and then killed himself, so the parents sued Ozzy...the parents couldn''t hear the song? Or could they, but they didn''t care to see if anything was the matter? It''s not his fault, and it''s because of lawsuits like these that media isn''t where it should be today.
And good thinking with the rape idea.
notice the wink, that means I was just kidding...I have some conscience, though it''s only holding me down.
Yes people do take these things seriously. If they didnt, then we would already have terrible games out like this one.
You cant just expose someone to murder/rape/etc...(real or on-screen) and just tell them to "not take it seriously". Some how or another its gonna impact you whether you like it or not.
People already have been exposed to murder/rape/etc(onscreen and off). It''s the fact that they learn to not take them seriously, that they become desensitized by them, and don''t think it''s wrong to do in the real world. Perhaps you don''t watch TV, movies, or play videogames...but shows like CSI, Murder She Wrote, etc. revolve around murder and rape. Movies like The Godfather, Heat, etc. delve into the life of drug-dealing, crime, thievery, and senseless murder. Hell, in the latest GTAs, your character could have sex with a prostitute, and then kill her and steal your money back. Plus there are games like the aforementioned Postal series. And the Carmageddon games. Just because you haven''t been paying attention does not mean that we don''t already have "terrible" games out like this one.
...the columbine shooters knew the difference between reality and videogames. They werent insane or demented. They were completely calm and focused in their planning and in their execution. They were just two rejected outcasts that dealt with there anger and frustration the only way they knew how. And ofcourse that was to kill who they didnt like or who didnt share their opinions.
Come on, dont be stupid... its in the media, its all over the gaming industry... If someone gets in your way, kill them.
That was the only logical solution in their problems.
That was the only logical solution to Timothy McVeigh''s problems.
That was the only logical solution to Eric Rudolf''s problems.
The above werent psychotic, bloodthirsty barbarians. They were normal people who had problems just like anyone else.
The columbine killers were not insane or demented? Last I checked you have to be pretty insane and demented to slaughter people because they exclude and make fun of you, or they believe in god, or they''re a teacher who wouldn''t get off your back. You call Eric Rudolf and Timothy McVeigh "normal people", "not psychotic", and "just like anyone else". These people took these things too seriously. Timothy McVeigh read pro-Nazi books, and thought of himself as a hero for what he did. Eric Rudolf, with his "Army of God" felt that he, like the muslims in 9/11, would be rewarded for his crimes. And the two columbine students probably thought that there wasn''t much in this life for them, they were made fun of, and didn''t have any real interests outside of DOOM. So they thought they''d play the game one last time, for real.
Wires, lights, metal, film, ink and paper...that''s all it is. And yet, it can spread ideas, twist emotions, and if the person is insane and demented--kill. But the blame cannot be placed on the creator and his team. These people all chose to purchase and be led by these things. It''s their fault.
Whats the fun in killing a man in front of his wife and kids in the middle of a sunday barbeque? Wheres the glory in raping innocent women at night when they are most vulnerable and defenseless?
What''s the fun in playing the bad-guy, you ask? Why not ask any of the millions of people who own GTA games, Scarface, and the Godfather movies, and there are countless others. The fun of doing these things, is because they are not real. They are things that you would and shouldn''t ever do in real life, but they are entertaining nonetheless.
Lets see how you feel about this when your 10 year old gets a hold of a game like that while your at work oblivious.
You make me sick.
Do the world a favor and choose not to procreate.
I''m sure by the time that I have a ten year old, that will be impossible. Either the sale of content such as this will be completly restricted to minors, or the security devices in the systems will be able to weed them out. I definitely plan on monitoring what my future children play, and if I feel they are mature enough, despite their age, I will play games like this with them. That''s the responsibility of the parent. If you believe that I am going to raise the next Timothy McVeigh, you are desperately wrong. I plan on doing the world a favor by procreating, because I would certainly hope that my children have a lot to offer to this world. If I make you sick, then spend less time reading this topic, and spend more time puking in the toilet while reading your bible, because I doubt you''ll take heed to anything I say here.
In conclusion...
This individual attempted to link forms of media to modern radical terrorists. Entertainment cannot be blamed for the world''s trash. If we choose to start pulling DOOM off the shelves because another school shooting occurs, then we might as well start burning all the bibles for causing holy wars in Israel. We might as well start burning Muslim mosques because they are the ones of whom their ideas were twisted, and made 9/11 happen. Even if televisions, computers, books, religions, and all forms of entertainment, ideas, and beliefs were rid of. Society would still have these extremist psychopaths who decide to kill, rape, and steal.