
Private/public vars in a class?

Started by July 11, 2003 07:15 AM
12 comments, last by -Egon- 21 years, 7 months ago
Also, if you declare your getter and setter functions as being inline, then there is no loss of speed. Done that way
var_x = MyClass.x; 

takes the same amount of times as
var_x = MyClass.Get_X();   
Original post by Sneftel
Original post by Ruudje
well, its a fact that each time you have to call a function, it takes a little time. so retreiving a var using a get-function is in fact a little slower than getting it right away.
Most getter/setter functions can be inlined, and thus have no overhead.

How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

Very true, forgot to mention that.

For those who dont know, this is what he means:

class something

int x, y;


int getX( void ) { return x; } // inline function.
I guess someone has to post this, and it can just as well be me:

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