
2d pixel-perfect positioning

Started by July 10, 2003 10:46 AM
1 comment, last by Wavarian 21 years, 7 months ago
Not too happy right now, after rummaging through my code looking for an error I expected to have caused by my own fault, I come across a conversion inaccuracy:

// Note this is already in 2d ortho mode


int x = 500;
int y = 30;



For some reason, (float)x is getting converted to 499.0f, and in turn, causes the pixel to be drawn at (499,30) instead of (500,30). However, if you change x to something like 300 or so, it gets converted properly, and the pixel gets drawn at (300,30). What can I do to fix this? Is there a better way to get pixel perfect positioning in 2d? Thanks for any help you might provide in advance.
If your card supports either OpenGL1.4 or the GL_ARB_window_pos extension, you can use the glWindowPos command which is pixel-exact but that''s limited for raster position (eg Bitmaps).

Otherwise there is an hint at the FAQ : How do I draw 2D controls over my 3D rendering?
Thanks vincoof, the hints there helped me with my problem. All is looking alright now.

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