
I''m actually working on a terrain generator/renderer and I encounter some troubles...
In a tutorial i saw how to texture map an entire height map by stretching a texture over the complete terrain. Is there a better method to texture map a height map ? I''m getting some undesirable texture "slicing" when i move through the terrain like if the texture isn''t fitting correctly and of course i would appreciate to avoid this effect by using another method.
Another problem i encounter is that i want to be able to render large height maps. I saw some algorithms like ROAM, CLOD, .. that allows to reduce significantly the number of primitives to draw each frame but can someone advise me in which one to use ?
Finally my last question

When I see nice demos like the one available on NeHe''s site i''m always pleased by some camera movements, i mean the way the camera is following a defined path. But i''m still wondering myself how it is possible to save predefined camera path efficiently. I mean, which way can we save a camera path without keeping tons of bytes about it and what kind of implementation will you recommend to get the best results ?
In advance thank you for your help

Best Regards,
ps : hope my english is not so bad =)