
OpenGL in MFC

Started by July 10, 2003 12:13 AM
1 comment, last by MannyZanny 21 years, 7 months ago
For those who are looking for a tutorial on how to get OpenGL in MFC there is a really good site that has pictures and everything so you cant go wrong unlike others ive seen. Lesson 1: Lesson 2: Lesson3:
Mind if I self-pimp? I have a demo along that line too.

It's actually not that hard, all you do is get the DC of the dialog or child window and pass it to wglCreateContext just like you do in all of NeHe's demos.

The only real "gotcha" I've encountered so far was if you have more than 1 rendering contexts you either have to separate textures between them or call wglShareLists.

Love means nothing to a tennis player

My nothing-to-write-home-about OpenGL webpage. (please pardon the popups!)

[edited by - DalTXColtsFan on July 10, 2003 10:18:08 AM]
Thank for your web-site. Its really helpful for me!

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