I''m a newbie in OpenGL programming and I tried to display a little model... well actually only some triangles loaded from a text file, but OpenGL ignores my orders. The worst thing is that if I try to draw them manually, it works...
I''m using Visualbasic 6.
This is the code I use to draw them... for now:
Public Function DrawGLScene() As Boolean
'' Here''s Where We Do All The Drawing
Dim N As Long
glClear clrColorBufferBit Or clrDepthBufferBit
glTranslatef 0#, 0#, -350#
glRotatef rtri, 1#, 1#, 1#
glColor3f 1#, 1#, 1#
glBegin bmTriangles
For N = 0 To CModel.TriangleC - 1
glColor3f Rnd, Rnd, Rnd
With CModel.Tri(N)
glVertex3f CDbl(.Point(0, 0)), CDbl(.Point(0, 1)), CDbl(.Point(0, 2))
glVertex3f CDbl(.Point(1, 0)), CDbl(.Point(1, 1)), CDbl(.Point(1, 2))
glVertex3f CDbl(.Point(2, 0)), CDbl(.Point(2, 1)), CDbl(.Point(2, 2))
End With
rtri = rtri + 0.5
DrawGLScene = True
End Function
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